Health Check Companion App
The Power Quality Health Check companion simplifies the assessment of voltage harmonics and current harmonics at an electrical installation.
The Power Quality Health Check companion is a mobile application tool designed to assess the live harmonic measurements displayed by modern power quality sub metering, monitors or portable test equipment tools.
Power Quality Health Check companion is designed to help interpret the relative (%) harmonic values of an installations voltage harmonics and current harmonics in relation to limits based on limits defined in the BS:EN50160 standard and IEC61000 standards.
The assessed harmonic values are used to produce a site assessment report detailing if the voltage or current harmonics observed by the engineer are considered to be either a Pass, Advisory or Fail at the time of inspection. The application presents these results in a standardised PDF report that be emailed directly to your client to help you enable them to make a decision on whether a further more detailed power quality or harmonic survey should be conducted.
The visual indication given can also be used as a quick troubleshooting reference tool to help you build up a history of harmonic measurements for an electrical installation as part of your maintenance program.
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